Saturday, February 16, 2013

edmodo...for third graders?!?

Recently I was able to attend FETC in Orlando.  Can I just say, BOY was I OVERWHELMED!!!  But I learned a lot!  One thing I brought back from that technological frenzy was not exactly new to me.  However, I was able to view it in a whole new light.  Enter edmodo.

If you haven’t heard of it, edmodo is a free learning management system that resembles social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  It provides a safe, controlled environment in which students and teachers can interact and communicate easily and quickly.

Now, our school system had been using edmodo for about a year.  I even had an account, but I could only see it as a professional development tool.  I didn’t see how I could utilize it in MY classroom.  Until now!

My third grade students have been doing a novel study using the book, Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater.  After each chapter, the students would write a response in their journal.  Sometimes the response was to answer a question about comprehension or inferring, other times it consisted of making graphic organizers or drawings about what they had read.  After FETC, it dawned on me that I could use edmodo as a reading response journal.  PERFECT!

So, my students created accounts.  I posted a question.  They replied in complete sentences, at least they were supposed to!  But, at least they responded!  And the best part…They were EXCITED about ‘writing’!

Here are a few examples of our posts:  (P.S. The grammar, spelling, and punctuation is still a work in progress!)

I can't wait to discover new ways to use edmodo with my third graders.  Any ideas???

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